Stay ahead of SaaS sprawl.
Discover and control shadow SaaS usage.
Unlock usage insights across all SaaS applications for enhanced decision-making.
Connect seamlessly–no additional agents or SDK required.
Gain comprehensive security for your entire SaaS estate.
Obsidian Extend takes SaaS governance beyond core platforms to include every application, whether industry-specific or developed in-house. It seamlessly integrates with your identity provider (IdP), so there’s no need for agents or additional development.
Stop shadow SaaS from undermining data security.
The widespread use of unsanctioned applications can jeopardize the security of your business. Obsidian Extend enables teams to continuously discover and limit access to applications that have circumvented your vendor risk management processes.
Normalize your understanding of SaaS user identity.
Obsidian Extend enables your team to seamlessly consolidate multiple scattered SaaS accounts into a single user profile, fostering an identity-centric approach to security. With this capability, you can efficiently track user identities within smaller federated applications and swiftly respond to unauthorized service interactions.