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Techniques of SaaS Compromise
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Techniques of SaaS Compromise

Learn how attackers compromise SaaS applications and the measures they use to ensure access is long-lived.

The Three Pillars of SaaS Security
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The Three Pillars of SaaS Security

The complexity of modern applications requires a new way of understanding and approaching SaaS security.

SaaS Incident Response
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SaaS Incident Response

Learn the phases of the SaaS incident response lifecycle and how to implement them more effectively.

Achieve Continuous SaaS Compliance
  • Video

Achieve Continuous SaaS Compliance

Learn how to achieve continuous SaaS compliance with automated monitoring and SaaS control mapping.

Five SaaS Regulation Compliance Insights for Security and GRC Leaders
  • Whitepaper

Five SaaS Regulation Compliance Insights for Security and GRC Leaders

Automate compliance to improve SaaS security, accelerate audits, and tighten alignment across teams.

Managing SaaS Integration Risk in a Changing Regulatory Environment
  • Whitepaper

Managing SaaS Integration Risk in a Changing Regulatory Environment

How does integration risk impact organizations with SaaS compliance requirements, and what can be done to minimize it?

SaaS Compliance Through the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
  • Whitepaper

SaaS Compliance Through the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Applying the five tenets of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to ensure your SaaS environment remains secure and compliant

Automate SaaS Compliance Monitoring & Reduce Time-to-Audit with Obsidian
  • Brief

Automate SaaS Compliance Monitoring & Reduce Time-to-Audit with Obsidian

Maintain compliance with internal & third-party cybersecurity frameworks. Take audit preparation from months to minutes.

Uncover SaaS Insider Threats with Obsidian
  • Brief

Uncover SaaS Insider Threats with Obsidian

Keep sanctioned users from engaging in unsafe or malicious activity across your applications and putting sensitive data at risk.

Combat SaaS Token Compromise with Obsidian
  • Brief

Combat SaaS Token Compromise with Obsidian

Stolen session tokens give attackers persistent access to SaaS applications. Detect & mitigate these attacks with Obsidian.

Osterman Survey: Navigating the SaaS Landscape
  • Report

Osterman Survey: Navigating the SaaS Landscape

Osterman explores the tools and processes security leaders employ to protect their SaaS applications and business data.

Real-world Tips for Effective IR & Threat Detection for SaaS
  • Webinar

Real-world Tips for Effective IR & Threat Detection for SaaS

Security leaders from Obsidian and CrowdStrike share actionable advice for better SaaS incident response and threat mitigation.