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Workday Security with Obsidian

Get the insight you need to secure your sensitive data in Workday and partner effectively with application owners to reduce enterprise risk.

Your organization relies on Workday to manage human resources, organize financial information, and even build a resilient supply chain. Because the platform is entrusted with so much of your sensitive data, it’s critical that your security team has the tools necessary to monitor activity, minimize risk, and mitigate threats to your Workday deployment.

Obsidian provides comprehensive security for Workday and your other business-critical applications with centralized privilege management, configuration hardening, and real-time threat detection—so you can enable your organization to drive productivity that meets business objectives.

In this brief, you’ll learn how Obsidian enables your security team to effectively protect Workday in a number of ways:

  • Continually monitor user activity within Workday and across other connected, business-critical applications
  • Minimize risk by right-sizing unnecessarily privileged roles and removing lingering access to the application
  • Harden your perimeter by optimizing Workday configurations while understanding exactly how changes will impact users
  • Identify anomalous behavior in your environment to investigate and mitigate potential threats before sensitive data is exfiltrated