Product Spotlights
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Unlock SaaS Security Intelligence with Splunk and Obsidian

In a world where SaaS security threats are constantly evolving, organizations increasingly rely on advanced threat detection and response capabilities. Obsidian’s integration with Splunk is designed precisely for this purpose. It empowers security teams with robust SaaS security intelligence to effectively mitigate these evolving threats in a proactive manner.

Splunk Integration: What You Need to Know

Obsidian offers a powerful Technical Add-On (TA) that seamlessly integrates with both Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud instances. This integration facilitates the extraction of critical information from your Obsidian tenant. It delivers comprehensive dashboards and contextual threat alerts directly to your Security Operations Center (SOC).

Benefits of Integration:

  • Seamless Integration: Effortlessly integrate for quick deployment and configuration of the Obsidian Security App in your Splunk environment. 
  • Centralized Monitoring: Seamlessly extract data from the Obsidian tenant into Splunk to streamline monitoring and gain a centralized perspective on threats.
  • Actionable Insights: Receive timely and actionable insights, reducing alert fatigue caused by false positives. That way, you can focus on investigating what matters most to your organization. 
  • Take Control: Customize the dashboard to only show data and insights that matter to you–eliminating unwanted noise and reducing licensing costs.

High-Level Architecture:

The integration is built on a robust architecture that ensures smooth information flow and operational continuity.

Follow these steps to set up and configure the integration seamlessly.

Enhance your defenses against SaaS security threats with Obsidian’s Splunk integration. Gain centralized visibility. Receive real-time alerts. Leverage SaaS security intelligence to strengthen your organization’s overall security posture. This integration not only enhances your ability to respond effectively to threats but also optimizes your security operations. It ensures proactive protection against emerging risks.

For more insight into Obsidian’s threat detection capabilities, check out this webinar.